Rodrick's Unicorns

About Rodrick's Unicorns

Howdy, I'm Rodrick and this website is about the lore I'm writing for my own version of unicorns—my own little unicorn universe. I'm making this for fun really.

I don't mind if others decide to make their own characters based off this as long as they credit or cite me in some way. I suppose you could call this an open species.

About The Site

If you're wondering about the site itself, it's made using 11ty (a static site generator). The theme is inspired by The New York Times website; I wanted to go for a newspaper-y journal-ish look. I didn't use a template.

Web Garden Pot

This small iframe is a web garden, which is used in making greenhouse pages.

This web garden's code (click me!):
<iframe src="" height="250px" width="250px" scrolling="no"></iframe>

Just in case you haven't noticed, the button and banner in the footer shows code to copy too if you click them.